Thursday, August 11, 2011

Speaking in tongues: Bitter sweet recipe towards the finish line (or at least what others think )

It's that time of the year when most (if not all) of our dear students as well faculty members become entangled with work loads and exams. Time becomes akin to a bitter gourd. Lumpy texture on the outside and tad bitter on the inside. Tumultuous volumes of bags beneath and around the eyes complimented by rubescent bumps on the face. You would perhaps exclaim, 'oh my lord,' plenty of times or amuse yourself with evil thoughts of your bosses (and to my wildest imaginations, your teachers). Stress. It affords us to reason and act unlikely. Stress, like dogs, has become the best of our meanest friends.

Stress is our own devil. It provokes us to smirk and think of sly thoughts. It is similar to a potion (lest somewhat similar) where it transforms and transcends Jackal into Hyde. Stress makes us feels as though we are the protagonists. We become recipient of pent up feelings given to us by the antagonists. Our professor might be angry with us because of certain actions we may have done earlier in his class. Or it could be an assignment which is long over due. We think of these people where tasks have originated as devil's little minions. Little by little, stress zaps out our energy and even the ability to stand back on our feet. Ay caramba!

I am no psychology major but perhaps this tip might do the trick. I once heard from someone this saying, "buckle up, we are going on a tough ride." When the tough gets going, remain calm. Stay calm. Allowing all the assignments to play in our minds at the same will only drive us crazy. Fish out which one should be done first then identify the next. It's not easy but it can give us the breeze. These minions... may instead turn out to be god's angels. They might have seen our abilities and strengths that others did not..

to be continued

- A. R. S. F. Hull

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